When Mother Nature takes a shine to something,she can be most kind and generous.How else can one explain the marvelous properties of the green tea?Since time immemorial,imbibing the humble but delightful beverage called tea has given people pleasure and comfort-and nourishment as well (although that is not usually a major consideration).Next to water,tea is the most popular beverages on earth.Studies conducted by the University of Murcia in Spain and the John Innes Center in Norwich,England have discovered that green tea can prevent cancer cells from growing.Green tea contains chemicals compounds called catechins,which have remarkable powers to not only inhibit the growth of cancer cells but also help stave off diabetes.One catechin in particular,called EGCG(epigallocatechingallate),is considered by some scientists to be among the most promising natural anticancer compounds ever discovered.The EGCG stops cancer cells from growing by binding with an enzyme,called dihydrofolate reductase,in the body.Scientist have also found that the structure and the mode of action of EGCG is very similiar to a cancer drug called methotrexate.These findings have promoted studies about EGCG based cancer treatment.This would mean less side effects,as EGCG does not aggresively attack healthy cells.
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