Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Are UFO real?and Why are some stars red??

THE truth is ,nobody knows for sure,but it's very unlikely that UFOs are real.Why?Because the distance between the Earth and the nearest posible source of intelligent life is very,very large.It would take millions and millions of years for a spaceship to travel this distance.But there may be intelligent alien life out there,far away-you can learn more about the search for
''extraterrestrial''(meaning ''outside of the Earth'') life at this great site,Life Beyond Earth.

A star's temperature dictases its color-a blue-white star is very dense and hot,while a red star indicates that its energy has begun to fade.Therefore,a star that is nearing the end of its life is called a red giant.While humans grow smaller in old age,stars grow bigger until they eventually collapse and die.In the far-off future,our sun will probably ballon into a red giant and destroy the Earth!Fortunately.,it'll be a long time before we have to deal with that problem.

reference from:the book of universe

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